Author Bio

Like most writers, putting words onto paper has been a lifelong passion. In High School I won several contests and made it into small publications in Minnesota, my home state. A short story I wrote at that time would later turn into Soldiers of Misfortune: Parasite Lost, my first novel. Despite early success and encouragement from my instructors, I chose not to pursue a writing career. Instead, I moved to Hollywood and began working in post production.

My theory was that I should learn additional skills that could earn me a living just in case writing wasn’t enough to pay the bills. Let’s be honest, that was very pragmatic for an eighteen year old. I told myself I could always keep writing on the side, after all. While in Hollywood I’ve been lucky enough to work with Kevin Smith on his feature film Red State, I worked on the TBS hit series Wrecked and the Emmy nominated NBC show American Ninja Warrior, plus many others.

During this time I also wrote one full-length novel and four short stories that I self published through Amazon. I’ve also recently finished a new novel for an ambitious new series for which I am currently seeking representation. I hope to one day write full time on projects ranging from licensed properties, tabletop role playing games, TV, video game, and movie scripts or anywhere else people will let me write in addition to expanding my original universes.

I currently live in Los Angeles with my brilliant and insanely supportive wife and our ugly dog.

Fun fact: We take Halloween VERY seriously.

Groovy baby!