Personal Training

By landing on this page you’ve taken the first serious step to becoming the new you!

Session Pricing

1 Session

You only need a little help.


Free Assessment

No additional Savings

No Everfit Data

5 Sessions

You’re getting serious.


Free Assessment

Save $100

Everfit Available

10 Sessions

You mean business!


Free Assessment

Save $250

Free Everfit Portal

Fully Remote Programming

A more hands-off, cost effective solution.

Remote Programming

you just want workouts

After your assessment, I will create a workout program specifically designed to meet your goals and check in on you weekly.

$150 / month

Remote Coaching

get fitness and diet coaching in one bundle

You’re truly committed to changing your life. Get custom workouts tailored to your goals and diet coaching every step of the way.

$225 / month

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does It Work?

To start, we perform a fitness assessment at no cost to you. Generally this is in person, though can be remote.

We will discuss your goals, health history, exercise experience, and I’ll ask you to perform a few basic movements to assess your fitness level and identify any problems or limitations that we may need to address.

With this information, we will schedule our first paid session and be off to the races!

Do Sessions Have To Be In-Person?


I prefer at least the assessment and first few sessions to be in-person so I can ensure your safety when performing the exercises, but I can accommodate fully-remote training as well.

How Long Is A Session?

Sessions are typically 50 minutes.

This gives us enough time to address your needs, get you closer to your goals, and allows a small window to discuss future plans before my next client.

I’ve Never Done This Before. Am I Too Old / Out Of Shape?

Not at all!

Some people prefer learning in a one-on-one setting to build confidence, and that’s perfectly okay. Whether you’ve never touched a dumbbell in your life or are already benching 400, having someone help you get to the next phase of your training is always helpful.

What If I Decide It’s Not For Me?

Session packages are non-refundable, but if after a single session you’re not satisfied, then I don’t want your money.

No hard feelings. Find the trainer that works for you!

What If I Have To Cancel? Is My Session Gone?

Life gets in the way, I understand.

If for whatever reason you can’t make your session, I will do my best to reschedule you at your earliest convenience.

I ask for at least 24 hour notice so someone else can have your slot. If you have to reschedule more than twice then I bill for the session. This is to prevent abuse of my time and keep you on track!

Do My Sessions Expire?



The only way to lose a session you paid for is to not show up, or if you cancel on me more than twice. See above.

Where Is Your Studio?

I have a humble studio in my home in Lake Balboa. Amenities include:

  • Free parking!
  • Weights, resistance bands, pull up / dip bar, and other equipment for the session.
  • Recovery equipment such as foam rollers, a massage gun, and a hot tub!
  • A private shower so you can clean up before work.
  • Last, but not least, air conditioning!

I am also willing to travel in the Los Angeles area, with a small additional fee for transportation.

What Equipment Do You Have?

I have a wide-range of resistance training and recovery equipment including, but not limited to…

Resistance Bands
Pull-up / Dip Bar
Weight Bench
Foam Rollers
Massage Gun
Massage Balls
Therapy Cane
Hot Tub
What Age Ranges Do You Work With?

As long as you can follow directions it doesn’t matter!

Generally this means 8 and up for children. Any younger and I find it can be difficult to stay on task.

If I’m Injured Can I Still Workout?

If you are cleared by a medical professional (your doctor) then I am happy to work with you at whatever capacity you are able.

I cannot go against the advice of your physician or physical therapist, but if they’re okay with it then I am too.

Can I Bundle This With Your Other Services?


I offer a 25% discount if you bundle either diet coaching or jiu-jitsu lessons.

This is in addition to any discounts from those packages

Still have questions? Go to my contact page and fire away!